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For many years we have experienced a period of uncontrolled growth, which is causing our planet to overexploit natural resources. Thanks to our desire for continuous and unstoppable improvement in R&D we can contribute our grain of sand to the environment, by incorporating up to 40% of recycled aggregate, which together with the use of clean energy we manage to significantly reduce the footprint of carbon in our products.

In Paviments Lloseta we want to add our grain of rice to help change this tendency and enjoy a future with a better quality of life. For this reason we have created a line of products CLEAN-STONE that purify the air, adjusting our productive system thereby reducing the carbon footprint of our products.

Air quality CLEAN-STONE products and pavings are decontaminating,they purify the air and improve the quality of life in our towns and cities. Paving CLEAN-STONE incorporates a potent additive photocatalyst that in the presence of sunlight and the humidity in the air is capable of reducing the contaminating substances present in the air of our towns and cities,for example nitrogen oxides (Nox) and sulphur oxides (Sox) transforming them into non toxic substances for human health. It is a process of natural oxidation similar to that of the photosynthesis of plants,producing a transformation of contaminating gases into inoffensive residue to human life and of easy elimination without having an impact on the environment.

As a comparative example,if we were to pave an hectare with CLEAN-STONE we could eliminate the contamination created by 3,500 vehicles during a whole year. The effect of the products CLEAN-STONE are permanent and last during the whole life cycle of the product as the catalyst additive never wears out with the passing of time. Another benefit of CLEAN-STONE is it's self cleaning effect,allowing easy maintenance of it's products as it breaks down and decomposes any residue or stain on it's surface.

The decontaminating efficiency of CLEAN-STONE products has been consolidated by AIDICO according to the ISO 22197-1/2012 regulation (test method for the operation of semi-conductive photocatalytic materials for air purification).

Sustainability in Paviments Lloseta has revised it's productive system implanting the use of renewable energy and thereby reducing energy consumption,we have reduced our carbon footprint by optimising the use raw materials in production and implanting the use in part of recycled aggregate coming from our subproducts and obselete materials,we also contribute social waste debris,calchined shale and slag. All this translates in an important reduction in our carbon footprint compared to other producers of similar competition. Our promise to reduce CO2 has enabled us to become pioneers in the sector calculated by our performance.


Because we recycle our products to convert them into recycled aggregate to reuse in our factory.
Because we also use industrial residue,like pozzolanic ash in our production.
Because our carbon footprint is inferior to products like asphalt or ceramic materials,etc.
Because with the joints that our pavements generate by conserving the humidity of the rain,they improve the microclimate which can't be achieved by continuous flooring pavements,especially asphalt,which accentuates heat island effect in our towns and cities,enabling the temperature to be reduced on average by two to three grades.
Because with some of our paving products like stone slabs and cobblestones we can create green zones that improve the microclimate,filtering the water subsoil and facilitating drainage in intensive rainfall thereby alleviating the rainwater network.
Because the life cycle is superior to other materials like asphalt,impressed concrete etc.
Because they are 100x100 reusable depending on their installation.
Because our pavements on arriving at the end of their cycle of life it can be crushed to produce recycled aggregate therefore reducing quarry exploitation.
Because our products are produced locally with local raw materials,transportation to the construction site is minimal generating less CO2.